During the course of Nutritional Therapy, your NTP will ask that you provide relevant personal details and information relating to your background, health, lifestyle, etc. (hereafter referred to as “Information”), including but not limited to:
- Your full name, physical address, email address, phone number, date of birth, etc.
- Your health history, including injuries, surgeries, prescriptions, etc.
- Help assess your nutritional needs.
- Make recommendations for dietary changes and nutritional supplements to support your specific nutritional needs and goals.
- Comply with all legal and NTA training obligations.
To ensure the maximum benefit of Nutritional Therapy, it is important that your Information is accurate and up-to-date. If you notice any changes to your health, begin taking new prescriptions, etc., please notify your NTP as soon as possible. It is also your right as a client to access, update, or delete your records at any time. To do so, simply notify your NTP in writing. Your NTP will retain your Information for the length of time you are a client, after which they will take reasonable steps to dispose of your Information in a secure fashion.
Though NTPs are not HIPAA regulated entities, the NTA is committed to protecting client privacy and requires students and graduates to uphold the privacy best practices and the policies laid out in the U.S. Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information. Your NTP will take all reasonable steps to protect your Information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure by using strong passwords, up-to-date software on all devices, and locking file cabinets for physical documents. However, even the best security practices cannot guarantee that all stored data will be completely free from third-party interception or corruption.
In accordance with Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information, your consent is required for your NTP to collect, use, and disclose your personal Information. By signing below, you acknowledge consent for your NTP to collect your Information.